A Q+A with NEI’s Matthew Crozat 

In an interview with Ignition, Crozat shed light on how the Inflation Reduction Act signaled the value of carbon-free power from nuclear plants and prompted companies to reassess how they fit their long-term strategies. 


A Q+A With Michael Ginsberg, US President of Tokamak Energy

Fusion startups are racing to develop the holy grail of clean energy: near-limitless power that’s free of carbon emissions and radioactive waste. According to US President of Tokamak Energy Michael Ginsberg, they can’t do it alone.


A Q+A With Michael Crabb, SVP of Commercial at Last Energy

Michael Crabb, SVP of commercial at Last Energy, has spent his career working in energy investment and financing. For him, when it comes down to it, all the groundbreaking technology in the world don’t mean a thing if it doesn’t fill a need and compete on price.


A Q+A with Duane Parnham, CEO of Madison Metals

A thriving nuclear energy industry, at least as it’s imagined and being built today, will rely on plentiful uranium. But uranium supply is limited, and those who mine it are trying to scale up their output in anticipation of a boom in demand.


A Q+A with Liz Muller, CEO of Deep Isolation

As governments the world over consider how to decarbonize their energy infrastructure while still ensuring access to reliable, abundant power, nuclear energy often rises to the top of the list of options. But there are still holdups, and one question comes up time and time again: What can be done about the waste?