
Let’s Get the Fusion Party Started, Says DOE

Fusion is the word on the DOE’s lips this week. The agency is taking concrete steps toward its commitment to the commercial fusion sector, finally awarding a set of previously announced grants and announcing a brand-new program to support tech development in the sector.


Canadian Provinces Join Forces on Nuclear

The Canadian provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan have individually explored nuclear power generation. Now, they plan to pool their resources in the name of clean energy production and decarbonization.


The US Cuts Off Russian Uranium Imports

The US is shutting its doors to Russian uranium. This week, the Senate unanimously passed a near-total ban on imports of the nuclear fuel from Russia, seeking to sever ties and apply pressure as the country continues its war in Ukraine. “Our bipartisan legislation will help defund Russia’s war machine, revive American uranium production, and […]


A Tax Credit for X-energy’s Fuel Facility

This week, the DOE, the Department of the Treasury, and the IRS jointly awarded X-energy’s fuel-focused subsidiary, TRISO-X, a $148.5M tax credit through the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. The credit is meant to support construction of a tri-structural isotropic (TRISO) fuel production facility in Oak Ridge, TN.


Curio Secures $14M

Curio Legacy Ventures has secured $14M in new funding to support the development of its nuclear fuel recycling systems, the company announced on Thursday.


NASA Contracts a Nuclear Space System from Rolls-Royce

Across a few of its business arms, Rolls-Royce has been working on building nuclear systems that can keep things running in the space environment. Now, the company has secured a contract with NASA to develop additional supporting technology for those spacecraft.


Japan and the US Collaborate to Rev Up Fusion

Last week, United States and Japanese officials announced a new partnership to rev up the development and commercialization of nuclear fusion as part of their respective 2050 zero-emissions targets. 


The Spent Fuel Storage Debate Heats Up in the House

The US House of Representatives’ Energy, Climate, and Grid Security subcommittee held a hearing yesterday to boost efforts to handle spent nuclear fuel, and some researchers are sounding the alarm on the risks of waste mismanagement amid an impending US nuclear revival.