
AWS’ Nuclear-Powered Data Center Gets Pushback

There’s a fight brewing in Pennsylvania over the future of an AWS project that would hook a new data center directly up to the Susquehanna nuclear power plant. The story so far: In March, AWS made waves when it announced it had purchased a $650M data center campus from Talen Energy that had a direct […]


Fission and Fusion Get Through Congress

Congress was busy last week talking nuclear energy. A bill that spearheads regulatory changes for both fusion and fission energy has now passed both chambers of Congress and awaits only the president’s signature. The legislation passed under the banner of the Fire Grants and Safety Act, though the bulk of the bill’s text was dedicated […]


The DOE Backs Advanced Light Water Reactors

The first companies to deploy a new technology—like an advanced reactor, for example—take on a lot of risk in the process. This week at the ANS summer meeting, US Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm announced a new DOE funding initiative to ease that first-mover burden.


Up Goes Uranium Production

It’s been a big week for new uranium production prospects around the globe, with three big announcements coming from the US, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan. We’ve got you covered with the roundup.


TAE and Oxy: A Match Made in Carbon-Free Heaven

TAE Technologies may have just unlocked a new application for fusion power: capturing carbon directly from the atmosphere. This week, the California fusion startup signed a memorandum of understanding with Oxy Low Carbon Ventures to look into supplying fusion power and heat to direct air capture (DAC) facilities that would filter carbon emissions straight out […]


Let’s Get the Fusion Party Started, Says DOE

Fusion is the word on the DOE’s lips this week. The agency is taking concrete steps toward its commitment to the commercial fusion sector, finally awarding a set of previously announced grants and announcing a brand-new program to support tech development in the sector.