
The State of Fusion 2025 

The past year has been a big one for the fusion sector. It was a huge year for fundraising, with more than $2B in investor dollars flowing into the sector, and for regulatory development, with US regulators making rules to ensure that fusion tech is ultimately treated differently than reactors on the other side of […]


The State of the Uranium Saga 

The results are in: The spot price of uranium at the end of 2024 rang in at $72.63 per pound. If you’ve been tracking the uranium market’s highs and lows over the last year or so, that seems like a significant drop. At the beginning of 2024, short-term prices were coming in at more than […]


Constellation Pulls $1B for Powering Government Ops

While we were away, the US government was busy arranging a massive carbon-free boost to its operations infrastructure. On Jan. 2, the General Services Administration (GSA), the independent government agency that manages government buildings and real estate, announced two monster contracts with nuclear operator Constellation ($CEG). The $840M contract is the largest energy services contract […]


Fusion’s 2024 Wrapped

We’re still at least a handful of years from a working commercial fusion plant, but across the country and world, we’re getting closer every day. Fusion firms found success in fundraising, partnerships, and technological development this year in their quest to unlock the limitless power of the sun. Here’s our roundup of the highlights. Raising […]


Your 2024 Fission Industry Wrapped

We started covering the fission industry with Ignition’s launch back in February. At that point, we had no idea (OK, maybe an inkling) that this year would hold so many pivotal moments in fission development for the US market.  Here’s our recap of the moments and trends that mattered most in the US fission sector. […]


The DOE’s LEU Production Picks

The US is gearing up for another nuclear revolution, but there are a few snags in those plans. Over the last year, concerns have been rising over the continued availability of uranium to power the existing and future fleets of American reactors, and the DOE has been working to ensure that the domestic supply chain […]


The First Uranium Contracts for NexGen

The need for uranium produced by friendly faces has become more urgent this year with the bilateral ban on Russian uranium heading to the US. The push for new nuclear stateside shows no signs of slowing, so there’s a looming need for increased uranium supply to fuel the fleet. NexGen Energy, a Canadian uranium producer, […]


Meta Seeks Nuclear Power Partners

Over the last year, we’ve watched as Amazon, Google, and Microsoft clued into the value of nuclear. Now, Meta is getting in on the fun. The Facebook and Instagram parent company announced on Tuesday that it would issue a request for proposals (RFP) from nuclear firms as it prepares to add 1–4 GW of nuclear […]


A Q+A With DCVC’s Rachel Slaybaugh

The nuclear renaissance doesn’t just need researchers. It also needs engineers, government supporters, operators, educators, and investors. Luckily for the industry, Rachel Slaybaugh is all of the above. Over the last few decades, she’s published research on computational methods for fusion plants, developed the fission program at DOE’s ARPA-E office, served as a licensed nuclear […]


Amazon’s $334M for SMR Construction in Hanford

This year has been the year of data giants signing up for the nuclear energy renaissance, and there are no signs of slowing on that front. Last week, Amazon committed $334M to a feasibility study on deploying four SMRs at the Hanford site in Washington, Cascade PBS reported. The funding is part of a previously […]